cracks occur in your chimney, hot
gases can escape into the home and
reach combustible materials that
would otherwise be inaccessible.
These gases can cause nearby framing
or wooden structures to ignite.
Cracks also allow other dangerous
gases like carbon monoxide to enter
your house. Once cracks are
present, and a fire hazard exists,
it’s only a matter of time before
you will have a chimney fire. If
you are “lucky”, gas entry and
ignition will burn slowly because
there is not much airflow so that
only the chimney itself is damaged.
If the fire has enough fuel, it will
burn fast, hot, and loud! You
will hear rumbling and popping
coming from the chimney as well as
see smoke exiting the roof from
outside your house. This kind
of chimney fire can spread ripidly
and cause a lot of damage to your
home. One final risk of a
cracked chimney is a full on
collapse, which can cause just as
much structural damage to your house
as a fire would.