Lewistown Chimney Sweep & Repair - 877-425-9908

Our Service Area

Mifflin County and the surrounding area
of Lewistown, Pennsylvania

Open Hours


24/7 Support


Services We Offer

Annual Chimney Sweep and Creosote Removal, Annual Inspection, Roof Repairs and Masonry Rebuilds, Chimney Lining, Crack and Gas Leak Repairs, Correct Improper Drafting, Firebox Repair, Obstruction Removal, Dryer Vent and Furnace Flue Sweeps, Cap Installation, and more. Give us a call today!

Chimney Sweep & Repair Pro Lewistown provides professional chimney sweep, chimney cleaning, and chimney repair services in Lewistown, Pennsylvania. We are fully licensed in the state of Pennsylvania, and also keep up with the latest fire safety courses available. This is because your family's safety is our number one priority and we meet that priority by eliminating chimney and heating appliance hazards that can cause house fires.  The best way to maintain that safety is to be certified and knowledgeable in every aspect of the chimney business.  Our professional certifications ensure that your chimney cleaning, inspection, and repairs will be done in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's regulations for chimney fire safety.

The National Fire Protection Association Standard 211 says, "Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances. Cleaning, maintenance, and repairs shall be done if necessary." Not only does Chimney Sweep & Repair Pro Lewistown highly recommend you get your chimney inspected and cleaned once a year, we also recommend cleaning it more often if you see a buildup of creosote that is 1/8 of an inch thick.

Chimney Sweep & Repair Pro Lewistown strives to bring the highest level of professional and technical expertise to our service area as well as educate our customers. We provide a detailed explanation about the decisions you face regarding your chimney and guide you through the options available. After you are completely informed, we work with you to choose the safest and most efficient solution at the most economical price.

Call Chimney Sweep & Repair Pro Lewistown prior to the winter rush to get us when we are not inundated with work. Spring and summer work is off peak and you will have no problems getting someone to do the work quickly. Of course, we are available all year to service your needs, please call today! Nothing is more important to us than the safety of each one of our customers.

Chimney Sweep Useful Tip:

What should I Look for on My Fireplace & Chimney Inspection Report?

A professional chimney sweep detects the overall condition of a chimney and the fireplace once he is called for cleaning and inspection like task. These days, people prefer to call such professionals instead of doing chimney cleaning and inspection work on their own. In this way, they are also getting great outcome as they are able to enjoy using the fireplace and chimney at home in the safest manner. If you are going to call a professional chimney sweep to do the needed task, then you should also care about looking at the inspection report that such professional can submit before you once the work is done. It's the fireplace and chimney inspection report that means a lot for every homeowner. Now day's most of the chimney sweeps are producing this type of report after the completion of the work. This type of report helps a homeowner to determine the issues which were there with the chimney and what sort of steps taken to eliminate the problems by the chimney sweep. There are three major things that you need to look for on such report.
  • Documentation
  • Judgment of the inspector
  • Inspections done for the chimney
Apart from this the chimney sweep also mention what sort of appliance to use and what to avoid when you are using a chimney. There will be some obvious problems which are also mentioned in that report. And last but not the least the chimney sweep declaration about the fact whether your chimney is safe to use or not. The scope of the work done in inspection and evaluation of fireplace, stove and other venting system has been left to discretion of chimney service technician. Always ask for level of the inspection you think is appropriate for the chimney and the venting system. Every inspection level covers the specific items that depend on individual appliances as well as venting system.

1 Level inspections � Suppose your venting or appliance system hasn't changed as well as you are planning to use the system like you have in past, then Level 1 of inspection is minimum requirement. The Level 1 inspection will be recommended for chimney under the continued service, in same conditions as well as with continued use of same appliance. At 1 Level inspection, chimney service technician must examine readily accessible parts of chimney interior, exterior or accessible parts of appliance and chimney connection. The technician can look for basic soundness of chimney structure as well as flue and basic appliance installation or connections. Technician can verify chimney is totally free from obstruction or combustible deposits.

2 Level Inspections �The 2 Level inspection is needed when changes are been made to system. Changes will include change in fuel type, or changes to shape of, and material in, flue (relining), or replacement and addition of appliance of dissimilar type, and input rating and efficiency. Additionally, Level 2 inspection will be needed on sale and transfer of property or after operation malfunction and external event, which can cause any damage to chimney.